In my dream I remember my literature teacher having an attraction towards. It was a sexual attraction. I remember him putting his cock in between my thighs. The cock was hella long. But slim. Even tho I don't feel anything sexual or romantic with my teacher. But I do remember feeling aroused in my dream and craving more. It was like a student and teacher secret. I remember he told me something probably sexual but I don't remember.
Dreams can often include vivid and sometimes shocking symbols that may not directly reflect your waking desires or reality. Dream interpretation is a complex process, and it is important to approach these dreams with curiosity and an open mind rather than focusing on any potential embarrassment or shame. Dreams involving sexual themes may symbolize aspects of power dynamics, growth, or transformation in relationships. In this dream, it seems to portray a hidden desire for excitement, exploration, or forbidden experiences. It does not necessarily indicate any genuine attraction towards your literature teacher in waking life. Consider reflecting on your personal desires for personal growth, adventure, or opportunities to explore different aspects of your personality in a safe and consensual manner. It is also worth noting that dreams are highly subjective, and their meaning can vary greatly depending on the individual. If you find this dream distressing or it interferes with your emotional well-being, consider discussing it with a therapist who can provide further guidance and support.